Right-of-Way Permit

Permit overview

Anytime an individual, adjacent property owner, contractor or utility company needs to perform work within the city-owned right-of-way (ROW), a ROW permit is required for the obstruction or excavation of the street, parkway, alley or sidewalk.  A ROW permit gives you legal access to work within a city-owned right-of-way or easement.  A permit ensures the work is done safely and meets codes and regulations.

Application & Plan Submittal Information

The City of Naperville right-of-way (ROW) permit application will apply to any project located in the city right-of-way. The application should be filled out to the best of your ability describing your project with as much detail as possible (when you would like to do the work, potential dates, times, duration, etc). We recommend you use an aerial photo from Google maps or similar as a base for a plan. Please use the map to show the proposed location of the dumpster, sidewalk and street closure information, traffic control details, etc. The more detailed the information the easier it will be for the plan reviewers to complete and approve the review.  Download the ROW permit application.

Once you have prepared your application and plan, please submit the electronic documents to buildingpermits@naperville.il.us.

If upon review the permit application is found to have deficiencies, a correction report will be emailed to the applicant. All corrections must be addressed and any new or revised documents must be resubmitted.

Maintenance Bond

Every ROW permit will require a maintenance bond.  The maintenance bond template, included in the application packet, can be forwarded to your insurance or surety company for informational purposes. A $50,000 bond will be required for all permits that involve excavation in or under a city street or alley. All other permits will require a $5,000 bond.

Review Time

ROW permit applications are reviewed by members of our Engineering Services Team, Water and Electric Utilities, as well as our Department of Public Works. Our plan reviewers require 14 calendar days to complete their reviews, so please keep that in mind when scheduling your work. If special timing circumstances exist please let us know and we can see what can be done about a potential expedited review based on the circumstances and staff availability.


All fees are due prior to permit issuance.  Permits that require excavation in or under a city street or alley, or require the temporary closure of a portion of a street or alley, will be assessed a fee of $120.  All other permits will be assessed a fee of $88.  An additional $45 will be charged for each resubmittal.

Future Pavement Restoration Fees will also be assessed for projects that require the patching of the roadway pavement.  The fee will be determined at the time of review and will be based on the size of the patch, the street classification, the age of the roadway, and the average cost of pavement repair at the time of permitting.

Permit Issuance

Once the permit application is approved, an invoice for permit fees will be emailed to the applicant.  Payment must be made by phone using a credit card as indicated on the invoice and will not be accepted in person at the Municipal Center.  You will then be emailed a confirmation code that your fees have been applied.  Please email that confirmation code to the Building Permits staff at buildingpermits@naperville.il.us and your permit will be issued to you electronically via email.