The City of Naperville offers a free, voluntary e-mail service to anyone interested in learning more about City services, activities and events. Sign up for one or more of these eNews publications today!
- 248th Avenue Improvement Project - Get the latest information about a project to improve a portion of this roadway for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
- Commuter Connection - The latest news on commuter parking and public transit for Naperville-area commuters.
- Comprehensive Master Plan Update - Subscribe to stay informed of updates being made to Naperville's comprehensive master plan, which guides development decisions in the City.
- Downtown Washington Street Bridge Replacement Project - The City soon will be replacing the Washington Street bridge that crosses the DuPage River between Chicago and Aurora Avenues. Sign up for more information.
- Manager's Memorandum (MM) - The Manager's Memorandum is a weekly communication compiled by the City Manager's Office updating City Council on initiatives, projects, events and other areas of importance.
- Meeting Agendas - Receive direct links to agendas for City Council, Planning and Zoning Commission, Transportation Advisory Board meetings and others.
- Press Releases - Notification for the City's media releases.
- Our Voice: A Naperville Senior Task Force Publication - A quarterly newsletter connecting Naperville’s senior community with programs, services and timely information to help foster continued health and well-being, education and independent living.
- Riverwalk - The latest news on Naperville’s Downtown Riverwalk, sent periodically to provide updates related to this “Crown Jewel of Naperville.”
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If you already subscribe to the City of Naperville's eNews newsletters and would like to add a subscription, please click the "Subscribe" sign-up box at the top of this webpage. You'll be taken to the City of Naperville eNews subscription webpage. Please enter your name and email address you currently use and select the newsletter(s) you would like to add to your subscription. You only need to select the newsletter(s) you wish to add; not clicking others will not unenroll you from those newsletters. Then, click "Sign Up." You will be automatically signed up for your additional newsletter(s) and receive a welcome email shortly after.
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If you want to remove a newsletter from your eNews subscription or unsubscribe from all mailings, please follow these steps:
- Click “Update Profile” at the bottom of any City eNewsletter.
- Click “Submit” on the page that appears.
- Instructions will be sent to the email on file with your eNews account. Once you receive this email, click on “Update Your Profile” in the email.
- Follow the instructions on the page that appears to update your personal information and/or eNewsletter lists you would like to receive. If you would like to be removed from a particular newsletter, please uncheck the box next to the newsletter's name. If you would like to unsubscribe from all mailings, please select that option.
- Your changes will go into effect immediately.
Important Note to Users
The city's eNewsletters are sent out using the third-party vendor Constant Contact. Some Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may block messages sent to their subscribers via this or other messaging services. This is done to spare consumers from unwanted email, or spam. No solicitations will be sent to your email address, only official City information you have requested. Please contact your ISP to modify your email preferences if you have difficulty receiving the City's eNews.