Priorities Plan

The City created the Bridge to 2023 Priorities Plan in 2021 to ensure that its organizational focus was aligned with community priorities. With community input, City leaders created priorities in five categories, including financial stability, public safety and sustainability. These priorities also served as a foundation for annual budget discussions. Much was accomplished during this three-year period and the stage set for ongoing and long-term progress in these areas.

While the same vision and values behind the Bridge to 2023 Priorities Plan continue to guide the organization, a 2023 community survey has provided an updated look at community sentiment about valued services and community amenities. The results of the survey were overwhelmingly positive, with at least 95% of residents reporting a favorable impression of the overall quality of life in Naperville, and 94% approving of opportunities for education, arts and culture in the city.

Drawing on these most recent survey results, the City has redefined its goals to target future improvements toward those areas that are of highest value and importance to residents. These focus areas include: utilities, safety, economy, mobility, and natural environment and community design. Targeted goals in these areas will be accomplished over a two- to five-year time period.

Read the plan

Progress Updates

City staff will provide two formal Priorities Plan updates per year. To assess progress, the City is using adequate resource availability as its measurement tool. Adequate resources are defined as the appropriate amount of personnel, finances, and materials available and in place to move forward with goals as planned.