Get Empowered, Naperville

Get Empowered, Naperville

The City of Naperville is pleased to announce the launch of Empower, a free, secure online dashboard that lets Naperville's residential and commercial customers view their energy and water usage data. Through Empower, customers can see at-a-glance the days and times they use the most energy and water through colorful charts in daily, weekly, monthly or yearly formats; evaluate their usage more often; and use that information to make changes, if they wish.

Take me to Empower >

Electric Utility

The mission of Naperville's Electric Utility is to provide reliable, quality, responsive and cost-efficient services for its customers in support of the health, welfare and growth of the City. This is achieved principally by effective operation, maintenance and replacement activities; a well-planned and executed capital improvement program; an active employee safety and training program; and continuous public information.

Did you know?

In June 2024

124 million
kilowatt hours of electricity were consumed in Naperville.

Did you know?

Naperville is a Public Power Community!

The American Public Power Association (APPA) shows how a public power utility like Naperville's is a smart choice that serves you - the customer!