Neighbor to Neighbor
Check-ins - Calling all Neighbors
Together we can safely help older adults and those with chronic health issues who are at higher risk from COVID-19.
Neighbor to Neighbor - Remember, limiting in person contact is important, so call or text if you can. If you want to check on a neighbor and don’t have their number, you can talk through the door. Drop off a treat, a book or just a nice note!
Reach out to older adults who live alone - Call, text, video chat! This is a good time to bring back letter writing! If you’re an older adult reach out to your friends and family.
Ask how you can help and don’t hesitate to ask for help - Older adults are being asked to stay home and may have trouble getting groceries, medication, and other necessities. Ask how you can help and don’t hesitate to ask for help yourself.
Utilize state and local services - Encourage neighbors in need to contact any of the following agencies for assistance:
- Illinois Department of Aging - 800-252-8966
- AgeGuide of Northeastern Illinois - 815-939-0727
- DuPage County Community Services - 630-407-6500
- Will County Senior Services Center - 815-723-9713
Be Safe! - Most importantly, remember to follow the Illinois Department of Public Health’s guidelines. Visit to make sure we are all safe.